30 June 2020

May 19, 2022
STEM and Competencies for the 21st Century
The 21st century has been strongly shaped and driven by science and technology (S&T) development. Essential competencies are very much needed for an individual to be effective and relevant. Watch Professor Dr Lee Sze Wei FASc explained more on the importance of scientific thinking and culture as an essential factor for the wellbeing and progress of societies and nations.
May 19, 2022
A Brighter Path for Solar Cell
In the effort to contribute to the current and future demand for clean, environmentally friendly and affordable renewable energy, a greater fundamental science and engineering basis for the Selenium-based semiconductor material devices and processing requirement has been initiated. The chalcogenide polycrystalline semiconductors are of technological interest since it has proven to be a suitable candidate material for the absorber layer used in a photovoltaic solar cell system. Find out the approaches that have been taken to synthesis the photovoltaic materials and let’s discuss their advantages and disadvantages in this video.
May 19, 2022
My God, Your Gum Bleeds!
Bleeding gum is a common affliction of the oral cavity. It causes embarrassment to the owner as it may produce bad breath, the soggy-boggy unsightly appearance of the gum, site for bacteria accumulation leading to infection, and bleeding on slight touch. Find out how to prevent and treat such complications through this video.
May 19, 2022
Straightening the Nose to the Sinus: A One Team Surgical Approach
Combining rhinoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) was first reported in 1991 by Sherman and Matarasso. Since then, many authors have documented a few series showing the efficacy of combining the two procedures. Watch Professor Dato Dr BS Gendeh FASc’s experience in combining these two procedures, its minimal complications outcome, and its benefit.