ASPIRE AOSW logo organiser

The Academy of Science Malaysia (ASM), together with the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) and the International Science Council-Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ISC ROAP) is pleased to invite you to the APEC Policy Sharing Webinar on Open Science & The 2020 ASPIRE Award Ceremony.

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the need for sharing of data and information at an unprecedented scale which can be fulfilled by the paradigm of Open Science. Open Science represents a new approach to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of disseminating knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools to address global challenges. The Webinar is aimed to build a community of purpose that works together to identify platform governance measures and technical know-how; and serves as a medium to share best practices in APEC economies and international policies for platform governance. An APEC PPSTI Statement on Open Science will be developed during the Webinar to promote engagement and knowledge sharing among APEC Economies through Open Science.

In conjunction with APEC 2020, The Webinar will also feature the award ceremony of 2020 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE). It is an annual award which recognizes young scientists who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in scientific research. The theme for this year is Biodiversity for a Prosperous Economy.

Programme Tentative

Time                                                     Programme

Aug. 21, 2020

By: Secretary General, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia
YB Datuk Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir
19:35 – 20:30

2020 APEC Science Prize For Innovation, Research & Education (ASPIRE) Award Ceremony

19:35 – 19:40
Emcee: Ms Katherine Nunner, ASPIRE Sponsor Representative
19:40 – 19:45
Welcoming Remarks
By: APEC Policy Partnership for Science, Technology, and Innovation (PPSTI) Chair
Mr Daniel Dufour, A/Director General, Science Policy Branch Canada
19:45 – 19:50
Remarks on ASPIRE 2020
By: APEC Executive Director
Dr Rebecca Sta Maria
19:50 – 19:51
19:51 – 20:01
Remarks by ASPIRE Prize Sponsors Elsevier and Wiley

  • Mr Youngsuk (Y.S.) Chi, Chairman, Elsevier
  • Mr Bill Deluise, Vice President of Marketing, Wiley
20:01 – 20:06
History of ASPIRE Prize (Video)
20:06 – 20:07
20:07 – 20:12
Announcing the Winner
By: Secretary General, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia
YB Datuk Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir
20:12 – 20:22
Remarks by 2020 ASPIRE Winner
20:22 – 20:23
20:23 – 20:28
Closing Remarks
By: New Zealand representative, APEC 2021 Host Economy (pre-record video)
20:28 – 20:30
20:30 – 22:30 APEC Policy Sharing Webinar: Open Science for Inclusive Research Collaboration



20:30- 20:40
Keynote Address: UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
By: Professor Dr Shahbaz Khan
Director of UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
20:40- 21:45
Panel Discussion:
Domestic Policies to Institutionalise Open Science
Moderator: Dr Ross WilkinsonPanelists (8-10 mins each):

  1. Global Open Science Policies
    Dr Alan Paic, Senior Policy Analyst, Science & Technologies Policies, OECD
  2. Domestic Policy Making & Practices for Promoting Open Science
    Dr Yasuhiro Murayama, Member of the Science Council of Japan
  3. Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG)
    Dr Virginia Barbour, Director of AOASG, Queensland University of Technology
  4. Malaysia Open Science Platform
    Professor Dr Noorsaadah Abdul Rahman FASc, Chairperson of Malaysia Open Science Platform
  5. Enabling Open Science
    Dr Anders Karlsson, Vice President of Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier

21:45 – 22:00
Q&A Session

21:00- 22:15
Open Discussion:
APEC PPSTI Statement on Open Science
By: Academician Professor Emerita Dato’ Seri Dr Mazlan Othman FASc 

APEC Economies share the current practices and challenges faced in institutionalising initiatives relevant to Open Science and propose actionable aspirations for regional collaboration at APEC through the PPSTI Statement on Open Science.

22:15- 22:30
Webinar Wrap-up
By: Dr Ross Wilkinson
22:30 End of Webinar

Keynote Speaker

Professor Dr Shahbaz Khan
Director of UNESCO Regional Science
Bureau for Asia and the Pacific


Dr Ross Wilkinson
Executive Director,
Australian National Data Service (ANDS)


Academician Professor Emerita
Dato’ Seri Dr Mazlan Othman FASc
Director, ISC-ROAP


Dr Alan Paic
Senior Policy Analyst, Science & Technologies Policies, OECD


Dr Yasuhiro Murayama
Member, Science Council of Japan


Dr. Virginia Barbour
Director, Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG)


Professor Dr Noorsaadah
Abdul Rahman FASc
Chairperson, Malaysia Open Science Alliance


Dr Anders Karlsson
Vice President,
Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier