MESTECC Ministers’ Visit to ASM
August 30, 2018The CERN Experience Part 2: Mirza Basyir Rodhuan
August 30, 2018The 29th ASM IdeaXchange was held in ASM on 1 August 2018, with the focus placed on the National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (NPSTI) Study.
The NPSTI Review and Formulation Study is carried out in two phases. The first phase is the NPSTI 2013-2020 Review Study initiated in July 2017 and was completed in February 2018. The second phase of the study is the NPSTI 2021-2030 Formulation Study that began in March 2018.
Attended by an audience that comprises ASM Fellows, representatives from higher learning institutions, government and industry players, the IdeaXchange served as a session for the Study team to present the findings of the NPSTI 2021-2030 Study to obtain feedback on the proposed NPSTI 2021-2030 policy framework.
The IdeaXchange session commenced with a snapshot of the programmes organised by ASM, followed by presentation of upcoming ASM programmes by the CEO, Madam Hazami Habib. This was followed by an introductory speech by the ASM President, Professor Datuk Dr Asma Ismail FASc.
After the speech by Madam President, the audience was asked to suggest keywords that they feel should be reflected in the NPSTI 2021-2030 vision and mission statements. Following that, the Project Leader of the NPSTI Review and Formulation Study, Dato’ Professor Dr Awg Bulgiba Awg Mahmud FASc took to the stage to present on the study. He elaborated on the background and objectives of the NPSTI Review and Formulation Study. The highlight of the presentation is the policy framework drafted for NPSTI 2021-2030. The policy framework draft retains the six strategic thrusts from the previous policy and put forward 27 strategies that need to be taken into consideration in building Malaysia’s STI capacity and capability, beyond 2020.
After the presentation, a 40-minute break out discussion session was held to collate responses from the audience in regards to the Study as well as feedback and recommendations for each of the strategic thrusts, strategies, policy measures, indicators and targets. Relevant input obtained from this IdeaXchange session will be incorporated in the NPSTI 2021-2030 Formulation Study Report.
To continue the momentum gained from the IdeaXchange, several focused stakeholder engagements session will be held in the near future before the Study completed, tentatively in December 2018.