Promoting Institutional Oversight Mechanisms to Address Biosecurity Threats from Emerging Technologies
October 18, 2019
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December 2, 2019ASM organised the SME Clinic on Industry 4.0: Angel Investors’ Initiatives for the Healthcare Sector on SEGi University on 15 October 2019.
The SME Clinic is a programme under the Angels in Science Initiative, which was launched in April this year. The Clinic was co-organised with SIZZLESCIENCE and the US Department of State’s Global Innovation Through Science & Technology (GIST) Initiative.

Ir Ts Choo Kok Beng

Mr Murali Prasad
Ir Ts Choo Kok Beng FASc, ASM Fellow and Chairman of the Science and Technology Industry Linkages Committee (STILC) welcomed those present during the SME Clinic. Following him was Mr Murali Prasad, CEO of SIZZLESCIENCE to present an overview of the Angels in Science initiative, followed by an introduction, key concepts, and strategies of angel investment.
In line with the focus on the healthcare sector for this SME Clinic, two prominent entrepreneurs were invited to share their success stories: Dr Khairul Idzwan Baharin, Managing Director of Cell Tissue Technology Sdn Bhd and Mr Ahmad Syafik Jaafar, Founder & CEO of Biotrampil PLT.
Cell Tissue Technology (CTT) is an award-winning company that specialises in tissue engineering, stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine, notable for its award-winning invention of personalised human artificial skin called MyDerm®. CTT also provides cosmetic products testing/validation, advanced wound care and personalised aesthetic solutions. Dr Khairul Idzwan has set his eyes on establishing Malaysia’s first tissue engineering firm and making it a hub for the Southeast Asian region.
Bearing the motto “fast food can be enjoyed guilt free too”, Biotrampil PLT specialises in producing non-GMO, non-soy, non-gluten plant-based food that is suitable for all age groups. This company Mr Ahmad Syafik Jaafar has received several international competitions and has garnered the interest of international investors. Mr Syafik is also actively promoting entrepreneurship especially among university students and single mothers both locally and internationally.
Taking the stage once again, this time with Mr Indhran Indhraseghar, Founder of Sunshine Digital Pte Ltd. Together, they provided a course on how to best present a marketing pitch to potential investors.
After the training session, a pitching session was held, featuring four hopeful start-up owners. Ir Abdul Rahman Bahasa, (Founder of Recove Group Sdn Bhd) introduced his invention of a non-invasive jaundice meter called Neorubin. Then, Ms Fitriyati Bakri (Managing Director of ARAS Premiere PLT) pitched her idea of assistive mobility aids for disabled and senior citizens.
Also, Ms Ashvini Das (Founder of Eka.Health) presented her idea on virtual clinical platform for students and junior doctors to practice and improve their diagnostic skills and reduce misdiagnoses. Finally, Mr Lai Pick Juan (Founcer and Chief Pharmacist, Vitamine Malaysia) presented his idea of a personalised supplement subscription.