April 15, 2021Local and Transboundary Pollution Law Feasibility Study
April 15, 2021Since the ASM publication titled Transforming the Water Sector: National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan: Strategies and Road Map (NIWRMP) was released in 2016, Integrated Water Resources Management at the national level has gained traction. The report, which is a culmination of the water sector studies conducted by ASM since 2008, has resulted in the involvement of Fellows in the drafting of the 12th Malaysia Plan Strategy Paper on Water Sector Transformation and the National Agenda on Water Sector Transformation was conceived.
The Development of the Road Map for the National Agenda on Water Sector Transformation 2040 (WST2040) Study is commissioned by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department. The study focuses on ensuring that water security and sustainability nationwide, in line with global and national targets, continues to be fulfilled beyond 2040 where there is water supply for all and the transformation of Malaysia’s water sector from being one of an economic enabler to a dynamic economic sector as a growth engine that can contribute to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through the four waves of transformation embedded in the 4 Malaysian Plans from 2021 – 2040:
- 12th MP (2025) – Accelerating IWRM Implementation
- 13th MP (2030) – Uplifting Indigenous Technologies at par with international standards
- 14th MP (2035) – Achieving Economies of Scale
- 15th MP (2040) – Becoming the Regional Water Hub

As a strategic partner, ASM has been tasked to review and analyze current policies, undertake comparative strategy analysis/business models, study the potential of the nation’s water sector industry, prepare a Transformation Strategy and Initiative Implementation Framework, undertake consultations with Stakeholders and Experts, and prepare a complete roadmap for the National Agenda on the Water Sector Transformation 2040.
At a Glance
Chair: Ir Dr Salmah Zakaria FASc
Task Forces:
Advocacy, Awareness Raising, Capacity Building (AACB) & Public Participatory Platform Task Force (Chairperson – Professor Dato’ ChM Dr Mazlin Mokhtar FASc) – To Improve overall understanding and significance of IWRM concepts at all levels and all sectors so as to ensure the effectiveness of implementation in managing the water resources sustainably
Integrated Water Sector Data Center (IWSDC) Task Force (Chairperson – Datuk Mohd Adnan Mohd Nor FASc) – To look into the establishment of a national Data and RDCI Centre as the basis for strategic planning and decision-making and as a catalyst for developing expertise and local innovative technologies in the water sector
Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the Various Water Sub-sectors (IR4.0 WS) Task Force (Chairperson – Datuk Abdul Kadir Din FASc) – To evaluate the preparedness of the water sector towards IR4.0 and the use of smart technologies to drive the overall development of the water sector
Water-Food-Energy (WFE) Nexus Task Force (Chairperson – Dr Mohd Hezri Adnan FASc) – To establish a Water- Food-Energy Nexus-oriented national water resources management to ensure the country’s social and economic sustainability
Virtual Water and Water Footprint (VW&WF) Task Force (Chairperson – Professor Dr Zulkifli Yusop FASc) – To prepare comprehensive quantitative data on the current needs and uses as a guide to identifying economic level of water usage at every level of the economic sectors
Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (CCIA) Task Force (Chairperson – Professor Dr Joy Jacqueline Pereira FASc) – To identify the preparedness in facing the impact of climate change on the water sector
Alternative Water Financing Task Force (Chairperson – Datuk Seri Ir Dr Zaini Ujang FASc) – to develop a new business model to drive the national water industry towards one that is competitive, attractive and profitable
Water as an Economic Sector (WES) Task Force (Chairperson – Professor Dr Mahendhiran Nair FASc) – To look into the implementation of a strategic programme to position the water sector as a new national economic sector