The Networks
Since i-Connect is a platform of collaborative network for disruptive innovation, Neutral Entity will be responsible to administer the network in collaboration with the founding members. This entity will facilitate the founding members to the agenda and priority of the network. It will also initiate and coordinate the formation of the collaborative network.

Neutral Entity

Neutral Entity

Neutral Entity

Neutral Entity

Summary of Neutral Entities

Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST) was created in 2012 as an industry-lead collaborative platform for market-driven R&D focusing on Electrical & Electronics (E&E) sector. CREST brings together the industry, academia and government to collaborate in a triple helix framework in driving industry demand driven R&D, industry relevant talent development and commercialization of the developed intellectual property (IP) into marketable products or services.
For organisation details, visit their website here.

The International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) was set up by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2005 and has been mandated to develop and nurture talent and experts in the Islamic financial services industry. INCEIF is part of Malaysia’s initiative to promote Malaysia as an education hub in Islamic finance for global community. And from a humble beginning of an institution for Islamic finance, the University has evolved into an AACSB accredited and a top five per cent of business schools in the world.
For organisation details, visit their website here.

NanoMalaysia Berhad (NMB) was incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLBG) on 1st Aug 2011 under purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). In overall, NMB is mandated to act as a business entity entrusted to focus on the commercialization and development of nanotechnology, to facilitate investment in nanotechnology commercialization and to facilitate the development of human capital (scientists and engineers, researchers and professionals) in the nanotechnology industry.
For organisation details, visit their website here.

Halal Development Corporation (HDC) was established on 18th September 2006 and it is known as the central coordinator that promotes participation and facilitates growth of industry players in the development of Malaysia’s Halal ecosystem. An agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), it is the world’s first Government-backed halal industry development corporation. HDC developed the first Halal Industry Master Plan and was approved by Malaysian Cabinet year 2008, which greatly expanded government support for the Halal industry. Since 2016, HDC was appointed by the Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR) as national Industry Lead Body (ILB) for human capital in the Halal industry.
For organisation details, visit their website here.