RBS Memorial Lecture and the Announcement of the Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Research Grant Recipient 2023
August 25, 2023
Majlis Pelancaran Program Kembara Sains Borneo (KSB) Siri 1
August 25, 2023Malaysia’s competitiveness weakens due to outdated strategies in the global knowledge economy, causing the Middle-Income Country Trap. The 2021 National R&D Survey findings were presented to the Cabinet, where the Prime Minister expressed concern about the nation’s declining Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD).
The benchmark of Malaysia’s GERD as of 2020 is 0.95%. Compared to the upper middle (1.73%) and the world (1.93%,) this figure is alarming as the forecast for the country by 2025 is 2.5%.
ASM, the nation’s Thought Leader in STIE, consistently engages stakeholders related to this matter. On 17 August 2023, ASM organised the 37th IdeaXchange Dialogue Session titled “Pulling Malaysia Out of The Middle-Income Trap: How To Achieve Critical Mass In The National Science, Technology, Innovation And Economy (STIE) Ecosystem.”
The dialogue included stakeholders like ministries, agencies, industries, universities and research institutes, engaging in group discussions and presenting ideas. It ended with a discourse featuring insights from Minister of MOSTI, YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang.