March 30, 2020

Open Science Forum for Asia and The Pacific

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and International Science Council Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ISC-ROAP) organised the Open Science Forum for Asia and the Pacific on 13 February 2020. The Forum aims to inform Asia Pacific countries on the importance of Open Science for facilitating collaborative data-driven research which enables the region to be at the forefront of the global Open Science movement to accelerate economic growth.
April 23, 2020

Adapting to Challenges of COVID-19: A Facebook Live Session

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Malaysia is facing numerous issues that may cripple its socio-economic growth if not handled properly. Therefore, ASM has conducted a Facebook Live with the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) titled Penyesuaian Terhadap Cabaran COVID-19 (Adapting to Challenges of COVID-19). The Facebook Live Session featured MOSTI Minister YB Khairy Jamaluddin as the moderator. Three ASM Fellows were invited to share their expert knowledge and opinions: Professor Datuk Dr Awg Bulgiba Awg Mahmud FASc, Professor Dr Mahendhiran Nair FASc and Professor Dr Shamala Devi K.C. Sekaran FASc.
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