About Associate

Associates are experts appointed by ASM Council from diverse areas of expertise with an avid interest to contribute to the issues of national importance pertaining to science, technology, innovation, and economy (STIE) through ASM working committees and task forces. An Associate is appointed for a 2-year duration and can be reappointed based on his/her track record of contribution to ASM. Only active Associates will be reappointed. 

Selection Criteria 

  • Candidate is willing to contribute to ASM and to the nation through ASM; 
  • Candidate has a distinguished track record in his/her specialisation; 
  • Candidate is recognised as a subject matter expert in his/her field and is involved in societies or professional bodies; 
  • Candidate has a good network and has demonstrated collaboration with national, regional, and international organisations, centres of excellence, research institutions or industry. 

Application Submission 

  • Recommendation letter by a Fellow, TRSM recipient or YSN-ASM member is optional. 
  • Application is submitted through http://associates.akademisains.gov.my/ 
  • Open to citizens and non-citizens. 
  • Candidates from science and non-science fields can apply. 

Privileges and Eligibilities 

  1. Associates being member of ASM Expert Network will receive invitations to ASM programmes, events, and annual dinner. 
  2. Receive updates on ASM activities through newsletters, email announcements, etc. 
  3. Entitled to access ASM Publications and facilities, such as the library, meeting rooms, etc. 
  4. Eligible to publish in ASM Publication upon approval from ASM Publication Committee and ASM Council. 
  5. Opportunity to build network and linkages with ASM Fellows, sister academies around the world, and affiliate institutions/organisations of ASM. 
  6. Not entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and vote. 

For any further information and enquiry, you may contact the following ASM officials: 

The Membership Affairs Unit (membership@akademisains.gov.my)