Development of standards in Malaysia
Promoting the Malaysian standards and accredits organizations engaged in testing, calibration, inspection and certification.
Puan Fadilah Baharin has made outstanding contributions to the social, cultural and economic development of standards. Besides developing standards as governed under the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), she has extensive experience in promoting the Malaysian standards and accredits organizations engaged in testing, calibration, inspection and certification.
Puan Fadilah began her career as Research Officer (9 years) at the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) (1985-1993). She was later appointed as Head of Malaysian Science & Technology Information Centre (MASTIC) (1994-1998) and returned to the AELB as Director of Licensing Division (1998-1999). She was appointed as Director of Standards, Department of Standards Malaysia in 2000 and was promoted as Director General in 2006. She was instrumental in coordinating various experts' contribution to the standardization committees which involved both ISO and non-ISO work such as the International Electrotechnical Commission and European Committee for standardization.
Puan Fadilah involved in various technical committees such as Member of the Halal Steering Committee under the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), Chair of the National Mirror Committee of the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade, Chairperson of the National Mirror Committee of the ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality and Vice Chair for the Malaysia National Standards Committee.
At International level, she serves as the Council Member for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (2013-2014); Member to the ISO DEVCO CAG (Chair's Advisory Group) (2013-2014) and Co-Chair of the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership, Sub-Committee on Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures. She acts as spokesperson in more than 20 International meetings of the ISO. One of her major achievements is the establishment of the first Malaysian Standards, MS 1500 on halal food in 2004, which now many OIC countries have adopted the standard extensively.