Published on April 16, 2020
Label-free Detection of Erwinia mallotivora DNA for Papaya Dieback Disease using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Approach
N.A. Mohd Said, N. Abu Bakar and H.Y. Lau
Open-ended Coaxial Sensor for the Assessment of Physicochemical and Dielectric Properties of Watermelon
M. Sairi, N. Suhaime, Z. Abbas2, N.B. Mohamed Nafis, A.S. Mhd Adnan, A.R. Shamsulkamal and Z. Othman
Non-destructive Measurement of Rock Melon Fruit Properties using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Technique
M.S.A. Jumadi and D. Jamaludin
Backscattering Imaging as a Monitoring System for Moisture Content and Colour Changes in Pumpkin during Drying Process
D.I. Onwude, 3, N. Hashim and A.A. Dana
Physicochemical and Proximate Analysis of Heterotrigona itama Honey from Inland and Coastal Regions of Sarawak
P. Wong, S.L. Hii, C.C. Koh, T.S.Y. Moh, S.R. Gindi and W.P.M. Wong
The Effect of Mixing on the Aeration Structure of Kuih Bahulu
Sharifah Hafiza M.R. and Norazatul Hanim M.R.
Processing of Functional Food from Purple Sweet Potato Starch
Sedarnawati Yasni
The Assessment of Grated Sago Size Produced by Different Type of Grating Machine
W.A. Wan Mohd Fariz, S. Rosnah, M.N. Mohd Zuhir, H. Azman, A. Mohd Shahrir, A.K. Faewati, S. Amir Redzuan, J. Mohammad Shukri, S. Mohd Azmirredzuan, M.A.T. Mohd Hafiz, Z.A. Mohd Zaimi, J. Muhammad Aliq and A. Sha’fie
Drying Performance Evaluation of a Commercial Batch Mixed-Flow Seed Drying System
M.Z. Azmi, I.H. Rukunudin, H.A. Ismail and A.I. Aznan
Evaluation on Drying Temperature of Grain Corn and Its Quality using Flat-bed Dryer
Amir Syariffuddeen, M.A., Yahya, S., Ruwaida, A.W., Zainun, M.S., Shahrir, A., Azman, H., Shafie, A., Zaimi, Z.A.M., Hafiz, M.A.T.M., Amir Redzuan, S., Aliq, J., Shukri, J., Faewati, A.K., Mohsin, Y. and Shanmugevelu, S.
Effect of Simulated Microgravity on Growth and Yield Parameters of Rice Seeds MR 219
C.C. Teoh, N.A. Zulkifli, K.K. Ong, Norliza A.B., U.F. Abdul Rauf and W.M.Z. Wan Yunus
Soil Nutrient and Texture Mapping Using GIS for Rice Precision Farming
M.N.F. Abd Rani, N.S. Samsuri, M.A. Mhd. Bookeri, M.N. Mohd Yusof, M.S.S. Mohamad Ghazali, M.S. Abdul Rahman, B.H. Abu Bakar, S. Mohd Yusob, A.A. Muhamad Mujab, S. Hashim, A.A. Ismail, M.S. Jamal, E. Sunian Sulaiman and A. Ramli
Performance Evaluation of Active Canopy Sensor for Variable Rate Fertilizer Model in Paddy Production
J. Muslimin, B. Abu Bakar, M.N.F Abd Rani, M.A. Bookeri, M.Z.K. Abdullah, R. Ismail and L. Yasin
Analysis on the Effect of Intermittent Ventilation in Solar Drying using CFD Simulation
A. Mohd Noh, S. Mat, M.H. Ruslan and A. Ibrahim
Thermal and Humidity Management of Mushroom House using Evaporative Cooling System
Abdul Rahman, M.R., Mat Sarip, A.R. and Baharom, S.N.A.
Performance Evaluation of a Seed Dispenser for Sowing Seed into Nursery Tray
Hafidha, A., Mohd Fazly, M., Mohd Taufik, A. and Norahshekin, A.R.
Evaluation of the Effects of Milling Time on the Physical Quality of Sarawak’s Mamut Rice Traditional Variety
S.A. Ali, I.H. Rukunudin, K.F. Kasim, W. Said and H. Hosni