Malaysia aims to enhance STI proficiency and policy coordination through ASM's Flagship Studies. These initiatives employ data-driven analyses and stakeholder engagement to drive socio-economic growth and innovation.
ASM’s Malaysia 2050 Agenda envisions Malaysia by year 2050 as a Nation with a high quality of life consisting of Smart Communities that is characterised by being harmonious, prosperous and sustainable. This vision was coined by ASM in 2014 when ASM embarked on a foresight exercise to develop a framework for the bold journey between Malaysia’s status quo and its future destination.
ASM carries out effort that identifies new technologies and recent breakthrough in science via horizon scanning. ASM excels in identifying these emerging science and technology which is deemed most relevant and suitable to the national S&T ecosystem.
The information and knowledge that build the understanding of Planet (S&T), Profit (economics), and People (social) make up sustainability science. ASM strives to bring in forward-looking sustainability science into policy-making by concentrating on local challenges, while keeping in mind, regional and global perspectives.
Horizon scanning is a technique for detecting early signs of potentially important developments through a systematic examination of potential threats and opportunities, with emphasis on new technology and its effects on the issue at hand. In 2012, ASM started this exercise of informing the stakeholders, the snapshots of news and emerging development in STI from around the globe. This initiative is imperative in helping the stakeholders to develop the big picture behind the political, environmental, economic and social issues.