Position Paper

A study report by ASM that presents an opinion on an issue from a scientific viewpoint that is published in domains such as academia and governance. Used in academic, professional, and political settings, they advocate for a stance and influence decisions.


Assessment on the Sustainability of the Tasik Chini Basin and Tasik Chini Biosphere Reserve

Volumes 2

Position Paper on COVID-19

This position paper on COVID-19 encompasses three main parts of discussions gathered by the respective subgroups, namely Malaysia Infectious Disease Outbreak Preparedness and Response, Post-Pandemic Analysis and Application of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics (BDA). The findings from each subgroup were collected from literature review, survey and focus group discussions (FGD) with experts from various related backgrounds. Malaysia Infectious Disease Outbreak Preparedness and Response subgroup assessed beyond the core competencies as outlined by the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) and the Malaysian Strategy for Emerging Disease (MySED) on preparedness and response. Post-Pandemic Analysis subgroup covered the

Position Paper on Blue Economy: Unlocking the Value of The Oceans


Position Paper on Hydrogen Economy


Strategic Paper on Precision Biodiversity

Being the 12th mega-biodiverse country on earth, Malaysia has a global responsibility to conserve its biodiversity. By adopting Paper on Precision Biodiversity (PBD), the country will show the world how this first-time-ever approach, can more effectively protect the planet and simultaneously deliver socio-economic returns. The vision is for Malaysia to be a nation that is informed and inspired to value and conserve bioresources while recognising the importance of investment in frontier technologies for the protection of biodiversity. Responsible and ethical stewardship of our ecosystem and establishment of a biodiversity-linked economy supported by sustainably managed biological resources will be driven by precision technologies alongside conventional approaches. Establishment of a national genome database to generate economic growth and promote human wellbeing is set to open up opportunities for translational research. Efforts powered by 4IR will also attract young tech-savvy talent and proficient human resource.

Precision Medicine Initiative in Malaysia


Sustainable Mining: Rare Earth Industries


El Niño – A Review of Scientific Understanding and the Impacts of 1997/98 Event in Malaysia


Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) in Peninsular Malaysia

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