Kementerian Ekonomi organized the RMK13 Kick-Off Conference, bringing together experts, public and private sectors, NGOs, CSOs, industry, and academia to prepare for the 13th Malaysia Plan.
“Al-Falah Pemacu Malaysia MADANI” tema Maulidur Rasul 2024, menginspirasikan umat untuk mencontohi akhlak Rasulullah SAW demi kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.
ISTIC and NAM S&T Centre, under UNESCO, held the STI Policy Training in Kuala Lumpur 12-14 September 2024. The program focused on commercialization and innovation
Congratulations to ASM Fellow Professor Dato’ Dr Jafri Malin Dato’ Abdullah FASc, officially appointed South Asia Representative for the Global Brain Consortium (GBC).