March 8, 2023
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- September 2024
- All
- 10-10 MySTIE
- 10-10 MySTIE Framework
- 2018
- 2018 Fellows' Lecture
- 2019 CERN Summer Student Programme
- 2019 Colloquium
- 2019 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
- 27th AGM
- 28th Anniversary
- 30 tahun
- 4IR
- 69
- 8R
- a new horizon for science technology and innovation
- A. Bakar Jaafar
- aassa
- abdul latif ahmad
- Academic Writing
- Academician Dato’ Dr Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah
- academy of medical sciences
- Academy of Sciences Malaysia
- academy of sciences presidents' meeting
- acccim
- acoustics
- Acoustofluidic
- active aging
- Activities
- adeeba kamarulzaman
- aec
- aec blueprint 2025
- Affordable Housing
- Afnizanfaizal Abdullah
- aging society
- agriculture
- ahmad zaharin aris
- AI
- AI generatif
- aidilfitri
- aids
- air 2040
- Aishah Bidin
- akademi profesor malaysia
- akademi sains malaysia
- alam sekitar
- alternative energy
- amalgamation
- aminudin hassim
- amset2023
- and girls in science
- and innovation
- animal kingdom
- animals
- Anniversary
- announcement
- Annual General Meeting
- anugerah akademik negara
- Anwar Ibrahim
- aoip
- apadilangit
- apec ctf
- apec ppsti
- Apply now
- appreciation
- aptjso
- aquaculture
- AR
- ar hijjas kasturi fasc
- architect
- Architecture
- Art
- Arthur Joseph Kurup
- artifical intelligence
- Artificial intelligence
- Artists
- arts
- Arts and Science
- Arts and Sciences
- ArtScience
- ArtScience Prize
- asean
- asean economic community
- Asean plus three junior science odyssey
- asia pacific economic cooperation
- Asian Science Deans Summit
- ask a scientist
- ASM Annual General Meeting
- ASM ArtScience
- ASM ArtScience Virtual Exhibition
- ASM Associates
- ASM Chapters
- ASM Council
- ASM Events
- ASM Expert Network
- asm experts
- asm factsheet
- ASM Factsheets
- ASM FAScinate
- ASM Fellow
- ASM Fellows
- asm foresight initiative
- asm ideaxchange
- asm management
- asm membership
- asm northern chapter roadshow
- ASM Podcast
- ASM President
- ASM Press Unit
- ASM Professor Datin Paduka Dr Khatijah Yusoff
- asm publication
- asm roadshow
- ASM Science Journal
- ASM Senior Fellow
- ASM Senior Fellows
- ASM Staff
- ASM Studies
- ASM< ASM Fellow
- Asma Ismail
- Aspiration
- aspire prize
- Astro Awani
- astronomy
- astrophysics
- astrotourism
- aswara
- AT&S
- australian academy of science
- austria
- Autobiography
- award
- Awards
- awards and recognitions
- B40
- Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
- bahasa malaysia
- baketria
- Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
- Batu Pahat
- bear down studios
- Bebasnews
- belanjawan 2025
- bilateral symposium
- biodiversiti kepersisan
- Biodiversity
- biodiversity preservation
- Biology
- biomedical science
- biomedical sciences
- biotechnology
- blockchain technology
- blood
- blue economy
- Board of Directors
- board of emngineers malaysia
- book
- book highlights
- book launch
- book promotion
- Borak Sains
- botany
- branding
- briefing
- british council
- brunei
- built environment
- business
- business model
- c
- call for applications
- cambodia
- Cancer
- Cancer Research
- capacity building
- career
- cari asean research and advocacy
- Cempaka International School
- centre for global sustainability studies
- CEO ASM< Hazami Habib
- cep
- ceritera artscience
- CERN Summer Student Programme
- Chang Lih Kang
- Changemaker
- Charitable Fund
- Charity
- chee su yin
- chemical engineering
- chemistry
- Cheras
- choo kok beng
- Chrysalis Award
- citizen science
- Climate Change
- coastlines
- coffee grounds
- coffee table book
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Collaboration
- Colloquium
- commerce
- commercialisation
- communicable diseases
- competition
- computer sciences
- Conference
- conferment
- conferment ceremony
- congratulations
- Connecting Minds
- conservation
- Coordinating Lead Authors
- coral reefs
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- cosmic connections langkawi
- Council Members
- Courtesy Visit
- COVID-19
- crabs
- Cradle
- Cradle Fund
- crafts
- Creating the Future
- creative industry
- cultivated meat
- curator
- Current Issues
- cybersecurity
- Danum Valley
- Dasar Bioteknologi Malaysia
- data analysis
- data analytics
- data protection
- data steward
- data stewardship
- Dato' Ir Dr A Bakar Jaafar
- Dato' Seri Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir
- Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup
- Datuk Asma
- Datuk Mazlan Othman
- Datuk Ramzah Dambul
- delegasi mosti
- denny ng kok sum
- development
- Digital Services
- digitalisation
- Disease Control
- disease-resistant crops
- Diseases
- diversatech fertiliser sdn bhd
- diversity studies
- Dominic Foo
- Dr Hamzah Tangki
- Dr K. Nagulendran
- Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh
- dr ranjeet bhagwan singh medical research grant
- dr tan suat cheng
- Dubai
- Dubai Expo 2020
- e-estidotmy
- e&E
- east coast chapter
- echinoderms
- eco-conscious
- eco-friendly
- ecological engineering
- economic growth
- Economic Planning Unit
- economy
- ecosystem
- ecotourism
- Education
- eko-pelancongan
- electric and electronics
- energy commission of Sabah enactment 2024
- engineering
- English
- environment
- environmental chemistry
- environmental monitoring
- EQ Hotel
- essay
- essay competition
- estidotmy
- exco members
- exhibition
- Expert Network
- factsheets
- Fahmi Ibrahim
- Family Day
- family medicine
- FASc
- FAScinate
- fauna
- faunal biodiversity program
- Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
- Fellow Feature
- Fellow Induction
- Fellows
- Fellows' Lecture
- Fellowship
- felo baharu asm
- fine arts
- fintech
- fishery
- flora
- flora and fauna
- foip
- Fondation L'Oreal
- food science
- food security
- food-water-shelter
- forensic science
- foresight
- forest research institute
- forests
- forum
- FOunding Fellows
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
- frameworks
- France
- french embassy in malaysia
- frontiers planet prize
- frontiers research foundation
- gallery sitter
- gamat
- gdp
- General Assembly
- genetics
- genetics society of malaysia
- geological studies
- geological survey department
- geologist
- Germany
- girl power
- GK Aqua
- glic
- global hunger
- global psytech
- Goals
- Goodwill
- graduates
- grant
- greenery
- Gut Worms
- habitat
- habitat conservation
- habitat mapping
- Hak asasi manusia
- halal
- halal meat
- halal nutraceuticals
- halal sciences
- halal vaccine
- haller pro
- Hari DNA Sedunia
- hari hutan antarabangsa
- hari integriti nasioanl
- Hari Keluarga
- hari kemerdekaan
- hari lelaki sedunia
- Hari Penderma Darah Sedunia
- hari raya
- hari wanita antarabangsa
- Hari Wanita Sedunia
- Harmender Singh
- Hazami Habib
- hazleen anuar
- Health
- health sciences
- Healthcare
- healthy living
- helen nair
- Herriot-Watt University
- hi-tech instruments
- higher crop yield
- higher education
- hitendra patel
- hiv
- HLIs
- Human Genome Project
- human health
- human resource management unit
- Human Rights
- hutan bakau
- hydrochemistry
- hydrogen economy
- hydrology
- ice cream
- icwes
- IdeaXchange
- ids sabah
- iim
- ikim
- Imbak Canyon
- Imbak Canyon Rainforest Research and Training Programme
- immediate past president
- Immunology
- In Memoriam
- Inaugural Lecture
- inceif
- inclusivity
- increased productivity
- Indah Water
- independence day
- india
- indigenous culture
- indigenous knowledge
- indonesia
- inducstrial chemistry
- Induction
- Industry
- industry players
- Infectious Diseases
- infographics
- innovation
- Innovation Kopitiam
- Innovative Housing
- inovasi
- Inquiry Based Science Education
- inspirasi kawa
- inspirasi saintis muda wanita
- institut integristi malaysia
- Institute for Development Studies Sabah
- Institute for Medical Research
- institute of geology malaysia
- integrated urban water management
- Integrated urban water management in peninsular malaysia
- integration
- Integrity
- Inter Regional Meeting
- InterAcademy Panel
- interacademy partnership
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Internal Meeting
- International collaboration
- international conference on tropical sciences
- International Day for Biological Diversity
- international day of biological diversity
- international day of forests
- international day of women and girls in science
- International Exchange Programme
- international men's day
- International Science Council
- international women's day
- International Youth Day
- internet coverage
- internet of things
- Intestinal Health
- inwes
- IoT
- isdb visit
- isis
- islam
- islamic finance
- ISPF Research Collaboration Grant
- IWD2023
- IXL Center
- iyres
- jaam
- Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Sabah
- jabatan perikanan sabah
- jabatan premier sarawak
- jaif
- japan
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- jaring
- jeffrey cheah
- Johor
- johot
- jsps
- jungles
- jurry foo
- just an individual of a species
- K. Nagulendran
- Kakitangan ASM
- kanser
- karnival sains MOSTI 2022
- kecerdasan buatan
- Kedah
- kelantan
- Keluarga Malaysia
- Kembara Sains Borneo
- kementerian ekonomi
- Kementerian Negeri Sabah
- kementerian pendidikan malaysia
- Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia
- Kementerian Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Sabah
- keningau
- kerajaan negeri kedah
- kesavan bhubalan
- kesenian
- kesihatan planet
- ketua setiausaha mosti
- Khalifah Bumi
- kilim geoforestpark
- king charles iii
- king prajadhipok's institute thailand
- kkd
- klinik kesihatan tanglin
- koh chong lek
- Kolej Yayasan Saad
- kolej yayasan saad melaka
- Kommate Jitvanishphaibool
- Kota Kinabalu
- Kota Marudu
- kota tinggi
- KSTI Sabah
- Kudat
- Kunjungan Hormat
- L'oreal
- L'Oreal Malaysia
- lab-grown meat
- langkawi
- Langkawi Development Authority
- langkawi geopark discovery centre
- langkawi island
- laton
- Lead Authors
- Leadership
- learning
- Lee Sau Har
- lembaga arkitek malaysia
- lembaga kejuruteraan negara
- Lensa IPT
- Leong Wai Yie
- life sciences
- lifestyle
- Lim Phaik Eem
- Lim Yang Mooi
- Lindau
- lindau meeting
- Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
- lindau nobel laureate meetings
- LiNo23
- livestock
- local products
- lombok
- long-necked weevil
- looi lai meng
- Luaskan Inovasimu
- Lund university
- mabic
- Machine Learning
- magic mirror resources consulting sdn bhd
- Mahathir Science Award
- Mahathir Science Award Foundation
- MAHSA University
- majlis apresiasi kakitangan
- majlis asm
- majlis biodiversiti pahang
- Majlis Kanser Negara
- majlis pendidikan tinggi negara
- majlis sains negara
- makna cancer research award
- makna cancer research awards
- makna cra
- malacologist
- Malaysia
- malaysia day
- Malaysia Grand Challenge
- Malaysia Madani
- malaysia open science alliance
- malaysia open science platform
- malaysia plan
- malaysia productivity corporation
- Malaysia Science Endowment
- malaysia water resource
- Malaysian architecture
- malaysian chamber of mines and the tin industry (research and development board)
- Mangroves
- Manraj Singh Cheema
- marine
- marine invertebrates
- marine resources
- Marine Sciences
- marketing
- master class
- Masters Degree
- mathematics
- maybank
- Maybank Foundation
- mazlan othman
- mdec
- mechatronics
- Medical Health
- medical science
- Medical Sciences
- medicine
- mega science 3.0
- melaka
- Membership
- Memorandum
- memorandum of understanding
- mental health
- Mentorship
- Merck Malaysia
- merdeka
- Microbiology
- microfluidics
- Middle Income Trap
- mier
- might
- minconsult
- Minggu Sains Negara
- minggu sains negara keluarga malaysia 2022
- minister
- ministry of economy
- ministry of higher education malaysia
- ministry of science
- Mirza Basyir
- Mission Economy
- miti
- mitsubishi materials
- mitsubishi materials natural resources development corporation japan
- ML
- mofa
- mohammad yusof apdal
- mohd basyaruddin abdul rahman
- Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah
- molecular biology
- monash university
- Monash University Malaysia
- MoU
- MoU Signing
- mranti
- mrsm gerik
- MRSM Kota Putra
- mrsm langkawi
- MSA Laureate
- mse
- MSNKM 2022
- muhammad haji salleh
- mustafa babjee
- mustafa prize
- myipo
- MyIS
- mySTIE
- Naib Canselor
- NanoMalaysia
- nanomaterials
- nanomite
- nanotechnology
- NanoVerify
- National education blueprint
- national education reform
- National Policy
- National Science Challenge
- national science challenge 2023
- national science council
- national stem association
- Natural Disasters
- Natural Hazards
- Natural Hazards and Disaster Risks
- Natural Resources and Environment
- natural sciences
- naturalist
- nature and nurture
- Negeri Di Bawah Bayu
- Network of Scientists
- new fellows
- new year
- new york
- new zealand
- nexus of biodiversity
- Nitia Samuel
- Nobel
- nobel laureate
- nobel lecture
- Nobel Prize
- non-communicable diseases
- non-radioactive rare earth elements
- nor eliza elias
- Nor Hadiani Ismail
- noraini idris
- northern chapter
- nr-ree
- NSC 2022
- NSC State Level
- nur alia sheh omar
- Nur Hazwani Abdul Bahar
- nurfadhlina mohd sharef
- Nurfadhlina Sharef
- nursalwa baharuddin
- Nutrition
- occupational health
- ocean
- ocean resources
- ocean thermal energy conversion
- oceans
- Oil Palm
- oncology
- Ooi Ean Hin
- open innovation
- open journal system
- Open Science
- OpenGov Asia
- Opinion Piece
- oryza rufipogon
- oryza sativa
- otec
- oxford university
- p. loganathan
- Padang Awam
- pahang
- Pakistan
- pandemic
- Papua New Guinea
- paradigms
- Part 2
- paya bakau
- pbd alliance
- pelan hala tuju RDICE
- pelan hala tuju transformasi air
- pemanasan global
- pembangunan sosioekonomi
- Penang
- penang skills development centre
- Pendidikan
- pendidikan sains
- pendidikan STEM
- penghargaan
- penyakit berjangkit
- pepper
- perak
- perhimpunan akhir tahun
- perhimpunan akhir tahun 2024
- Perhimpunan Tahunan
- pertandingan
- peru
- perubahan iklim
- pest resistant crops
- petronas
- PetroSains
- PGM Zakri Award
- Phan Chia Wei
- phang siew moi
- PhD
- philip kotler
- philippines
- physic
- physics
- Pitas
- planetary health
- planetary health alliance
- plant fertiliser
- Plant genetics
- plastics and rubber institute malaysia
- Policy
- policy partnership on science
- position paper on blue economy
- post-normal
- post-normal science
- post-normal times
- Precision Biodiversity
- Precision Medicine
- Precision Technology
- predictive modelling
- Presiden
- President
- presidential address
- prize
- process design
- Prod Khayriyyah Mohd Hanafiah
- productivity
- Prof Dato' Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman
- prof dr ahmad fauzi ismail
- prof yoo hang kim
- Profesor Dato' Dr Jafri Malin Abdullah
- Profesor Madya Dr Mohd Hanif Yaacob
- professor datuk dr asma ismail
- Professor Emerita Datuk Dr Asma Ismail
- professor emeritus
- Professor Thomas Laurell
- Programmes
- project stem 60:40
- psdc
- psychometrics
- Public Health
- pulasi upsi
- pulau anak tikus fossil geosite
- pulau pinang
- Pusat Sains Negara
- quantum technology
- r&d
- rahinah ibrahim
- raja noor zaliha raja abd rahman
- Ramadan
- rangka kerja 10-10 mystie
- ranjeet bhagwan singh
- rare earth elements
- ravigadevi sambanthamurthi
- raymond ooi
- rcnmet
- RCR MOdule
- rdice
- reality
- recycle
- recycling
- reduce cost
- reduce reuse recycle
- regional visit
- Religion
- Remote Sensing
- renewable energy
- research
- Research and Training
- Research Funding
- Research Grant
- Research Method
- research universities
- responsible conduct of research
- Review Editors
- rhizophora
- Roadmap
- robotics
- royal academy of engineering
- Royal College of Physicians of London
- royal society of london
- rural areas
- S&T
- Sabah
- Sabah Biodiversity Centre
- sabah fisheries department
- Sabah Net
- Sabah State
- SabahNet
- sains
- sains dan seni
- sains dan teknologi
- sains forensik
- sains rakyat
- Sakura Science High School Programme
- salma abbasi
- sam smyers
- samuel myers
- sanity
- Sarawak
- sarawak biodiversity centre
- Sarawak Biodiversity Malaysia
- sarawak government
- sasbadi online
- sasbadi online sdn bhd
- scholarone
- schools
- Science
- Science & Technology
- science and technology
- Science Cafe JB
- science communication
- science diplomacy
- Science Education
- Science Education Programme
- science fiction
- science is fun
- Science Network
- Science Outlook
- Science Outlook 2017
- science outlook 2025
- Science Outreach
- science policy
- sciences
- Scientific Book
- scientific journal
- scientists
- sd guthrie
- sea
- sea cucumber
- sea grapes
- sea snails
- Secondary Schools
- sekolah menengah
- Sekolah menengah kebangsaan
- selamat pagi malaysia
- Seni
- seni halus
- Senior Fellow
- senior fellows
- senior fellows meeting
- Sensor Technologies
- Sensors
- Shared Prosperity Vision 2030
- shariah law
- sheila nathan
- shopping
- sim soon liang
- singapore
- Sir Alimuddin Zumla
- sir paul nurse
- Sixth Assessment Report
- SKILIK Robo Advisory Sdn Bhd
- sleep medicine
- sleep science
- sm
- SM Sri KDU
- smart farming
- Smart housing
- smjk chung hwa kelantan
- SMJK Jit Sin
- SMJK Jit Sin Pulau Pinang
- smjk kwang hua selangor
- smk infant jesus convent johor
- smk jit sin
- SMK Sam Tet
- smk sultan ismail
- SO2020
- social innovation
- social sciences
- socioecomic development
- south korea
- southern chapter
- species identification
- Spirituality
- st joseph private school
- staff appreciation
- staff ASM
- State Engagement
- Steering Group Meeting
- STEM education
- STEM Up Challenge
- stewardship
- STI 100^3
- STI ecosystem
- STI Governance
- STI Master Plan
- stie foresight
- strategic workshop
- sts forum
- Students
- Studies
- suicide awareness
- suicide prevention
- Summer Student Programme
- Summit
- sunway education group
- Sunway University
- Sustain the Impact
- Sustainability
- Sustainability Sciences
- sustainable economy
- Sustainable Energy
- sustainable living
- sustainable water management
- Suzana Yusup
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syabbas
- syawal
- symposium
- Synopsis
- system integration
- systematics
- Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Sarawak
- tagal
- tagal system
- Tahlil
- talent
- talent development
- talent management
- Tan Sri Dr Jemilah Mahmood
- tan sri jeffrey cheah foundation
- tan sri mazlan othman
- Tan Sri Salleh
- tang jia heak
- task force
- taxonomy
- Taylor's University
- tech
- technology
- Technology and Innovation
- TEGAS sarawak
- teknologi
- Tengku Azzman
- Tengku Azzman Shariffadeen
- Tengku Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen
- teo lay hock
- Teo Yik Ying
- terengganu
- thailan
- The Biology of Long-Necked Weevil
- the tapestry of science
- the tropics
- theEdge markets
- thermodynamics
- tmas
- tokoh akademik negara
- top research scientists malaysia
- tourism
- town hall meeting
- townhall
- trainers module
- transforming the water sector
- tropi
- tropical countries
- tropical science
- tropical science foundation
- Tropical Sciences
- tropical sciences foundation
- TropSc
- tropsc 2024
- TropSc2024
- trsm
- tunku kamarul zaman tunku zainol abidin
- turtle
- Twentytwo13
- Typhidot
- Typhoid Fever
- UKM< Fazren Azmi
- ulang tahun
- UM
- UM Press
- UM water warriors living lab & sekitar kita
- UN
- UNESCO. Women in Science
- unimas
- UniSZA
- unit digitalisasi perkhidmatan awam
- unit pengurusan sumber manusia
- United Kingdom
- United Nations
- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Universiti Malaya
- Universiti malaysia Kelantan
- Universiti Malaysia Sabah
- universiti malaysia terengganu
- universiti Putra Malaysia
- Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Mlalaysia
- universiti teknologi petronas
- Universities
- university college london
- university of tsukuba
- Unlocking the Future
- utp
- veganism
- vegetarianism
- vg kumar das
- vietnam
- vietnam ministry of finance
- vocational education
- vocational training
- wacana stem
- wan ramli wan daud
- Wanita dan Gadis dalam STEM
- warga kerja asm
- warnakala studio
- water
- water management
- water pollutants
- water resource
- water resource management
- water sanitation
- water sector
- water sector transformation 2040
- water security
- water supply
- water watch penang
- water-borne
- wau animation
- Webinar
- well-being
- what is life
- wildlife tracking
- wireless bridging
- Wireless Bridging System
- wise 2024 workshop
- Women
- women empowerment
- Women in Science
- women in science forum
- Women in STEM
- women scientists
- workplace health
- workplace safety
- workshop
- World Blood Donor Day
- World Creativity and Innovation Day
- World DNA Day
- World Forum for Women in Science
- world health day
- world health organisation
- world mental health day
- World Ocean Day
- world water day
- worldremit
- wsis+20 forum
- WST2040
- yakubu adekunle alli
- Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia
- Yayasan Sabah
- YB Dato' Seri Dr Adham Baba
- YB Deputy Minister MOSTI
- YB Haji Wan Roslan Wan Hamat
- YB Minister
- YB Minister MOSTI
- YM Tengku Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen
- Yohashama
- Yong Hoi Sen
- Young Scientists
- Young Scientists Network
- Youth
- Youths
- YSN-ASM Affiliates
- YSN-ASM brunei
- ysn-asm colloquium
- yusof apdal
- Yvonne Lim
- zainal ariffin ahmad
- zero male suicide