2019 CERN Summer Student Programme

August 30, 2019

A Summer in CERN – Muhammad Zubair Asyraf Bin Jalal, UKM

My research in the GEM Laboratory focused on assembly and retrofitting of the Long and Short Super-Chamber of the GEM detector. The work included an assembly procedure that follows the newly developed standard quality control tests, to verify satisfactory functionality of the GEM chamber.
August 30, 2019

A Summer in CERN – Chew Kang Ying, UPM

For the first four weeks, I was assigned to Aamir Ishard as my first supervisor, and Francesco Fallavollita. I was assigned in a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) group for Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) endcap project. At the time, I was assigned to the GE 1/1 detector.
August 30, 2019

A Summer in CERN – Tee Chin Zhe, UM

My assigned project is “Automatic measurement of track reconstruction efficiency for data quality monitoring in the CMS experiment” under the supervision of Jeremy Andrea, Marco Musich, Tatjana Susa and Stefano Mersi from CMS Tracker Detector Performance Group.
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