February 2020

February 20, 2020

1st National Science Challenge Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshop

The Workshop was attended by NSC stakeholders such as the mentor teachers, officers from state education departments and also from the organising committee. Everyone presented their experience with NSC from their point of view, from the preliminary level, up to the Grand Final of the science competition.
February 20, 2020

Courting Connectors: A Conceptual Briefing of i-Connect to Potential Neutral Entities

The Malaysian Collaborative Network Platform for Disruptive Innovation or i-CONNECT for short, is an initiative to create and nurture a conducive innovation ecosystem in Malaysia towards increasing disruptive innovation. i-CONNECT also enables Malaysia to leverage on new economic opportunities for Malaysian industries to enter emerging markets.
February 20, 2020

Local & Transboundary Pollution Act Feasibility Study

On 21 January 2020, a stakeholder engagement workshop was held in ASM on the Local & Transboundary Pollution Act Feasibility Study. The Workshop was carried out to gather feedback from government agencies, NGOs, CSOs, industry players and research institutes. A total of 65 people has attended the workshop and given their valuable input on the implication and implementation direction of the proposed act.
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