September 2018

September 20, 2018

Institutional Frameworks for Innovation Networks

The new economy is about knowledge intensiveness and enhanced innovation capacity, fuelled by the digital revolution and rapid technological advancement. A country needs to evolve to leverage on the new economy, by making collaborative networks a necessary platform on which it could survive.
September 20, 2018

Capacity Building Workshop Towards Establishing Open Science Consortia for APEC

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia has put forward a proposal for the establishment of an Open Science Consortia to tackle global challenges at a Capacity Building Workshop on 12 August 2018 during the the 12th APEC Policy Partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI) Meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
September 20, 2018

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Dedicated to Physics)

Every year, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is dedicated to one of the three natural science Nobel Prize disciplines of Chemistry, Physics and Physiology/Medicine. Once every five years, an interdisciplinary meeting featuring all three natural sciences will be held. In addition, a Lindau Meeting that focuses on the Economic Sciences is held every three years.
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